Monday, September 15, 2014

Hi! Remember me?

I think I got lost this summer.  I didn't feel like crafting, or blogging if I did craft....
But, school is back in session. I only have kids in the morning and afternoon; and I have high hopes that my mojo will return!

Today I have a recipe card....the hostess for the current duel is Deb.  She lives about as far away from my as she can and still be in the
Maybe my banana muffin recipe will warm her up as winter approaches!

Her kit included:
Cherry Cobbler and Chocolate Chip card stock 
Image:     MFT a la modes What's Cooking?
Maya Road What's Cookin Chipboard
Clips from Michaels or Joann's
Eyelets from Eyelet Outlet

I utilized quite a bit of it and added just a touch of dp from CTMH.

THANKS for stopping by!
I do appreciate it.... And, will do my best to be back on a more regular basis.


  1. Looks like you used most of the kit from Debbie--YAY! and, the recipe sounds yummy!

  2. April, I am sure that you will find your mojo! I like how your card is laid out. The oven mitt looks really cute by the sentiment.

  3. Well if you are handing out banana muffins, I'm on the way, too! Woohoo! This is a gem of a card, I love the burgundy base - it really makes your image pop! This looks like the yummiest recipe ~ one of my S'Bux splurges when I drive through :)

    Hugs to you and glad things are slowing down! Teach me how to do that! :)

  4. Fun recipe card, April... and I'm sure the recipe is delicious, though I am not able to pull it up larger to read it. I guess that just means you'll have to mail me a banana muffin. ;)

  5. very cute! I love how you did the kitchen mit. It looks a lot like the ones in my kitchen.....stained around the edges but much loved! :)
