Saturday, August 9, 2014


I am this month's hostess for our blog group -Crafters of Faith, and my theme was a no brainier.

Yesterday was my 16th wedding anniversary and I wanted everyone to celebrate love with me!

My words to this special group of ladies: Since we post the day after my wedding anniversary, I would like everyone to make a project based on one of the scriptures read at my wedding: 
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.your card doesn't need to be based on a spousal love, and as such, I would love to hear a story of one of your loves!

Here is my card:

I used a new fold I found on SCS. It was fun!  I try to use a new fold or technique for my husband the first time.  The DP and CS are from SU!, generic sequins, and Marvy punches.  The stamps are three different sets - the outside ones are from SU!, while the interior is from a|s.

I, of course, am going to say I love my husband.
But, I also love God, my entire family, many fantastic people I call friends, this group of crafters, the list goes on!

Since my card was for my husband, I will tell you about him. His personality is just about opposite of mine....  He is a quiet giant - 6'3 and doesn't talk to strangers (I will talk to anyone about anything); he also is a great provider, father, and a wonderful son.  

Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. Oh April! Love that fold! I've never seen it before! I also love your beautiful card!

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to a "Quiet Giant" and his chatterbox. ;)

  2. Thanks for the challenge April! I like this fold. It's very interesting. Thanks for sharing about your husband. I always enjoy the stories behind he projects created. It's an honor to be a part of COF with you!

  3. Happy Anniversary April! Loving your theme- and the card you made is special just like your Anniversary! The fold is so cool- loving the shimmer with the sequins. Fun to hear about your hubby- I read it out loud to my husband and he laughed- I talk to everyone too!

  4. Great Card April--I must find that fold as I love it. Thanks for a wonderful challenge this month!

  5. Happy anniversary!!! I'm sure your day was lovely and all things wonderful!

    This was a beautiful theme this month and your card is positively astounding! This fold is magnificent! I live your addition of the bling ❤️

  6. First off - HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :) August is the perfect month to get married! :) Love your card - what a really neat fold! I'm going to have to try that one. Thanks for sharing and for being such a great hostess this month!!

  7. Cute!
    You can see all kinds of crafts at my blooming blog, It also includes baking and blogger tips. A bit of everything for the creative soul. :)

  8. Oh wow! That is a great fold! I love it :)

  9. Oh April, this card is AWESOME...great verse as well....Happy Anniversary!!!
