Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Top O' the Mornin' Darlings!

Yep, we are at it again...the Duel is on!
You guessed it, the lovely lass Michelle asked us to make a wee St. Patty's Card with the kit she sent.
In it was:
Patterned paper....Basic Grey Origins.... sugar pea, Echo Park This and That...dots and plaid, and Reminisce...ShamRock
Ribbon and cording....American Crafts
Brads...................American Crafts
Glitter Shamrock....die cut at work, glitter paper
Pebblesinc......Button candy dots
Irish Blessing is computer generated and printed on SU! Whisper White, and SU! Cream
I truly didn't use half of what she sent...must be I am hoarding the left overs. I did add two shades of green card stock, a gem and a stamped Riley.

Please stop and leave LUV at the rest of the Duelers' blogs!!

Thanks for stopping by!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Holy Hanna gf...this is an awesome card...Love, it. Your Riley is stinkin' adorable and colored so lovin' the glittah on the shamrock as well...cute layout and awesome use of your kit...way to go...

  2. What a fabulously fun card!! Love this lil Riley most of all! But nestled into his lucky horseshoe and glittery shamrock, he's perfect :) LOVE the irish blessing!!! x0x0

  3. Oh my goodness... this is such fun! You really did a great job of using the kit items... and I love the addition of Riley! That is a frame with card, isn't it? WOW!!! I am drop-jaw amazed! Your creativity knows no end!

    You have dazzled us!

  4. What a darling card! I love the shiny shamrock and the Riley is perfect!

    You sure had some fun items to play with from Michelle--and your card shows!

  5. LOVE!!! You've made my jaw drop again with your fab creation, April. What a fun challenge for this month's duel. Love this!

  6. Wow! What beautiful card, April! Love those papers...That plaid is outstanding. And LOVE that Irish Blessing sentiment...awesome. Fantastic layout! Your beautifully colored Riley on the glittery chipboard shamrock is the perfect touch to this awesome card!

    Irish you all the blessings of this sentiment!

  7. I love the way you layered the Riley and shamrock! Very cute card April :)

  8. April, you did a fab job on this challenge. I love the box and how you thought outside of it!

    You know I dig Riley and he is perfect for this card.

    Great job!!!!

  9. Wow April ~

    I love what you created for this month's challenge, That riley is perfectly layered over the Shamrock!

    Happy St. Patty's day my friend, and go Badgers!

    XOXOXO ~ LJ & Tavi Pearl :)

  10. yeahh a frame card, ehehhe....loving this!;o)
    I especially like how U have Riley
    standing guard with his lucky clover and adorable! Very sweet card♥

  11. Well, if this isn't just beyond great?!! Love that lucky Riley with his horseshoe and Shamrock!! The tinting around the verse is great and I love the DPs too. Fantastic job on this one, as usual!

  12. April, what a dang cute card! Love the Riley you used and how he is placed on the shamrock! Love the "frame" front and the way you used the ribbon and brad!

    Awesome it!

  13. How cute! Love that little moose in the shamrock. Fab sentiment too!

  14. Great card April, love how you added the Riley image! Great layout and colors.
