Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another T-Day Challenge

I am coming in just under the wire with this one! Must be the nice weather that Western New York is having! All that sunshine is pulling me outside!

Rosie was our hostess this week for our challenge within a swap. She wanted us to use solid card stock over a designer paper. {{I knew I should have bought that MS punch the other day at Michael's.}}

So, I dusted off my Cricut and worked up this card. I will admit that it isn't quite what I had in mind, but it works. Kyle says it is "epic", so it must be okay! ;-)

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for stopping in!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. holeeee makerel! U sure went to bat gUrl! (pardon the
    this is quite fantastic how U made a baseball scene w/ Rosie's challenge. Love it!♥ TFS

  2. Aw, sounds like mike and Kyle are your biggest fans :). Sweet card!!

  3. Oh yes, epic is good! So is your card.

    All that great weather.....we had storms all day and over an inch of rain. Oh my....
