Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Gift for my BFF

I am bound and determined to keep my New Year's Resolution.  I know it isn't a conventional one, but I am going to send the cards I make in a timely BFF, Cheryl, should be getting lots of happy mail this year....(Everyone cross your fingers that this happens!!)

Today's post isn't about a card, but rather a little altered notebook.  I found a set of three mini notebooks in the clearance section of WMart before the holidays and have just opened them....

This past Monday over at Deedee's was a "Fellowship" Challenge.  The first Monday of the Month, Deedee asks that we think of someone else when entering her challenge.  I think of my BFF often, and as much as I know she is always here for me, I need to be better about showing her that I am here for her also.  I chose to use this week's free digi - Never Forgotten  - to alter one of the notebooks.    I didn't use the sentiment quite as written, but rather just the first part which fit my project. 

This little notebook will be headed out to my BFF by the end of the week.  I hope she uses it to jot down all those little details she might otherwise forget~


Image - Deedee's Digis

Paper - CTMH
Embellies - generic



  1. I'm sure she'll love's adorable!

  2. A very sweet notebook April. I love the image and colors you used. Your BFF will love it!

  3. This is so sweet, she will definitely appreciate getting this.

  4. Wonderful! Your friend will love it.

  5. What a marvelous resolution and project, April! It is so cheery, and I love the way you laid everything out. I think this is really going to warm Cheryl's heart, and it looks like you had a lot of fun making it, too! :-)

  6. LOVE it!!! Can't wait to see and use it ;) THANK YOU. Love you!!

  7. Oh the book turned out great, April. Your BFF will love it!

  8. How cute is this!?!??!!! Your BFF is one lucky gal. This is such a great idea!!!
