Sunday, January 2, 2011

Creative Cowgirl Challenge....

Happy New Year, everyone!

The Triple C girls are at it again!  A new challenge has been thrown down!

Pollycraft gifted me with this adorable little fairy - just what I needed to lift my spirits from the drab weather we have been having since Christmas.  There are so many images from them that have that same affect - check them out for yourselves!!
So, like I was saying....a new challenge.  I was sooo excited about the image, that I didn't really read the challenge and made a very cool card....  Despite it being a new image - it wasn't trying something new...

So, I went back to the drawing board.  I have all sorts of cards, from various swaps and DT committments, that I need to find new homes for.   Over on SCS, I found a tutorial for this nifty little card purse!  I did leave off the scallop around the top cut out (note to self, find a scallop punch in the new year), but otherwise, followed the tutorial.
I think this is the perfect way to gift some of those many cards away; and will be making more in the near future!

I hope your New Year is off to a great start and can't wait to see what you design for the newest challenge!



  1. Really sweet and great idea to store cards in.

  2. I love this card purse, what a fabulous idea! And thanks for the info to make it.

  3. Sweet image on this lovely card purse!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhh me likey!! This is fabulous, April -- what gorgeous colors, what a sweet lil purse ... so happy to see the 3C's back in action! Happy SONday to you, my friend! xoxo

  5. Hi April, great little purse for cards. I love it and thanks for the tutorial link. I have been meaning to try this and now looking at think I need to give it a try...great job.

  6. Such fun colors for this fabulous image!! Love this sweet card purse design!! Beautiful work, April!

  7. April, what a cute and colorful way to start the New Year! Such a sweet image, and your card purse turned out beautifully! You've inspired me to give one a go! Love it! {hug}

  8. Wonderful creation and Pollycraft images are so fun.
