Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tardy Tuesday....

Well, I have been fiddly-foolin' around and not getting this posted today.

Well, maybe I did do a few constructive things (cleaned the kitchen and living room, went grocery shopping and put them away and, I know what we are having for supper), but I still had it in my head to get this posted earlier today...

This is my card for the latest Forest Swap....  This one is all about friends~
And, what is better than one doing a good turn toward another?  Albeit, these are unlikely friends~

The images are from Bugaboo
The DP is Grateful Tree Farm from ki
The CS is from my box o' paper
The button is vintage from an estate sale

Hope you have enjoyed today's card...


  1. April, this is ADORABLE!!! Wonderful job with the theme! And that designer paper - oh, how I love it!!! Adorable images and scene you've created, complete with a button sun! Love it!!!

    ............ and I get to keep one! ;)

    I'm soooo glad you are a Forest Friend!

  2. Yay for Forest Friends! This is suppppper cute :) Since your house is clean, can you head on down here and help me make 50ish invites? LOL! Love ya!

  3. TOOOO CUTE!!! They are pefect forest friends! Well done!!!

  4. You can come over and fiddly -fool around in my house! Great card! So glad you got it posted!

  5. Great friendship card. Nicely done.

  6. What a fun card April. There was no fiddly-fool in this house today..., ok I made the bed

  7. This is so cute, love this image.

  8. What an adorable card with this sweet elephant and his bitty pal!! Super cute, April!

  9. The KI paper is very adorable...the images are just as sweet...:)

  10. Well, it sounds like you had a very productive day AND made a great post. Wish I was that on the ball most days! Your card is too cute, and I know will be well received in the forest. Great coloring, BTW!!

  11. Ooh - April this is just tooo adorable! the image just makes me smile!
