Thursday, September 9, 2010

and then...

it was Thursday....

Can you believe how fast the week is going by?  I just can't believe that school has started and I am home (relatively) alone...

To celebrate; I used  Lazy Days of Summer from Cowgirl Up and the theme from the Crafty Ho's Challenge (Peace)~ my card depicts the peace a mother feels when school starts and she can take a day for herself....

The paper was all leftovers, and I traced a chipboard cloud I had to make mine out of place white CS.  I added some chunky sparkles and used foam squares to give it the card dimension.  The sentiment "aaaahhh" was stamped with some white even seems to be tapering off as if you were saying it ;-)

I hope you have all been making your Christmas cards for the drive over at Cowgirl Up!  We start collecting on Sunday ~ the details will be on the challenge blog.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Cute card! That's how I feel on a Friday at 3:00 when all the kids go home for the weekend!

  2. Amen to peaceful days! Cute card April.

  3. How funny, I remember the feeling! Enjoy!

  4. oh wow this is gorgeous and perfect for the challenge you are entering goodluck huni xx

  5. lovely cards..I just love that elephant :)

  6. Cute card! I like how her nails are 'painted'!

  7. Awwww! This is seriously adorable! I'm especially loving those pink toe and fingernails!!

  8. I so have this peace! Love the card!!! Pass the bon-bons. Lol. Great coloring and love the. Clouds.

  9. Two wonderful creations!! Great job, April!

  10. Thanks for joining us at the Crafty Ho's. What a fantastic card! I love your coloring... and the image is perfect!
