Monday, June 3, 2013

{PIN} 60

Congrats to Deanne! 6-0 is a lovely number and I am so glad to be involved with h
These great challenges!

Our {PIN} this week:

How many of us have wished to be a mermaid daydreaming in a grotto? I know a step back from reality sounds heavenly...of course, I probably would want to stay a

I found I {heart} sketches 21 and used that with some CTMH papers I have been semi-hoarding. I also was lucky enough to use a digi from

They, along with

are our sponsors this week.

All the details of the challenge can be found here -- on the {PIN}spirational Challenges Blog!

And, the moment you have been waiting for....drum card!

Thanks for stopping by!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. The DP colors fits great with the mermaid. Great take with the sketch, April !

    Thanks for joining us @ Delightful Inspirations {from the heart}

  2. Great card and sweet image! Love the background too!

  3. April, what a darling card! Your mermaid is so cute - and colored beautifully. I love the design of your card, too! Perfect!

  4. April, I can't say I would want to stay a mermaid - LOL! - but your card is so cute! The DP you used just adds so much to your creation. Lovey!
