Sunday, April 27, 2014

Missing You

The Calendar Girls are at it again!
The month has flown by and I had to think long and hard about this challenge.
Carol is our hostess and here is what she asked us to create:
"For you challenge this month I thought quite a bit about the challenge. As you know, we will be posting after Easter so with that in mind I thought I'd do a Mothers Day challenge. When I was a child my mom would encourage my dad to get little carnation corsages in pink or red for each of us girls and mom to wear to church on Mothers Day. According to her (and the intranet), if a woman's mother was alive the females in the family would don a red or pink flower (mostly carnations, but not a rule) and if her mom had passed, the female would wear a white flower, and would visit the grave of her mom and place a white carnation on her grave. My mom's dad would do this when she was a child and mom loved the tradition. What I would like you to do this month is create a card or project using the color that would describe your mom. As an extra I would like for you to share a special memory of your mom from when you were little (if you are comfortable with that) so we can learn a bit about the wonderful ladies who raised such beautiful paper crafters... 

My mother passed away six years ago, so I feel that I was lucky to have had her in my life forty plus years!  When I was young, she would sew us matching dresses.  This is probably NOT my fondest But, it is memorable!  My father had passed away when I was 13 and my siblings were out of the house already at that time, so we became a duo to be reckoned with.  When I was 16, she decided we needed a smaller car (Couldn't she have decided this before I learned to drive in a 76 Cadillac Eldorado ~ two door?) we went to the car dealer.  She had never bought a car as she depended on my dad for all things financial.  We test drove and decided on a much smaller car; AND, she leaves the haggling to me.  I did get us great value for the Caddy and low, low payments....  I wonder what that car salesman thought?  Another favorite memory occurred just after college.  I moved two hours away from Mom, but still went home quite often.  She would call with the most bizarre questions...just to get me to visit.  A favorite was when she asked me to come explain her phone bill to her.  I told her to call my sister since she worked for the phone  Mom and I had lots of fun!  I miss her everyday, but know that she looks down upon me and my family ~ probably shaking her head quite a bit! but always with a smile on her face!

My card is made from all stash items.....kept in simple with just card stock, a simple sentiment from amuse|studio, some little rhinestones and a ribbon, and the use of a hollyhock die from memory box.

Thanks for stopping by!
Make sure to check out the rest of the Calendar Girls!


  1. April, you amaze me! You could have had a career as a personal shopper for people needing cars. ;)

    Love your card! It's simple elegance is gorgeous!

  2. Awwwww, this card is so sweet and so pretty! Loved your story about you and your mom at the car dealer! Very impressive! Giggling at the request to explain the phone bill...I'm trying to be sure that I don't do the same behavior with my son!

  3. What a beautiful card and an even more beautiful post and tribute. Awesome Job April!

  4. The flowers are so pretty! They make for a lovely card.

    Matching dresses. I just am not able to get over that. Really. It makes me laugh every time I am thinking of it....sorry....not for giggling, but that you had to wear matching dresses! LOL

  5. Oh April I love your card and memories..It made me giggle..good thing she didn't have me for a daughter...the car would have cost 2x the haggling skills are non existent. I love your answer to her phone bill dilema as well. Made me giggle I am very sure your mom is smiling down on you and your family every day. Great job on the challenge..((hugs))

  6. WHat a beautiful card- love your sprig of white flowers- and your stories about your mother- how wonderful you had her to yourself for all of those years- love the car buying story!

  7. So So sweet ,April - what a soft, lovely card! I loved hearing the story about your mom :)

  8. What a great card....pretty and simple!! Love it!

  9. This card is so beautiful.

    Loved the memories of your mom!
