Monday, October 28, 2013

Try a new Technique...

...the Calendar Girl Challenge.....

Barb gave out the challenge this month. In her words:

"Here is the October Challenge--For me a true challenge is to try a new technique. So--that is going to be the challenge I propose to all of us.

Go to this link Technique Lovers Challenge Forum and chose a new technique to you that has a 1 or 0 in the challenge number--like TLC410 or TLC360 or any more current number (as I posed this challenge way back in January........................) The technique you pick should be one you have never tried before--and you can go back as far as you want in the forum in the posted techniques to find one to tackle. Please list the number and name of the technique you tried in your blog post. And--to make the challenge a bit harder--you cannot create a card this month! You need to think outside of the box and try a totally new technique along with a project that is anything but a card............... And--for extra credit--make a creation with a Halloween theme!

So--get your thinking caps on, check out some new techniques that you might want to try and create something other than a card that can be used for Halloween! I think this is a pretty good challenge for this month. Can't wait to see all of your "new" creations on the 28th! Good luck--Barb"

I read it, filed it in the back of my head....and remembered this afternoon. Yep, I wasn't done!! In fact, I hadn't even to have a look at the techniques and realize I hardly ever try anything....

So, I went with TLC450 ~ Make Your Own
And, TLC451~Revisit TLC211 Treat Purse Makeover {10-14-13}

And, here are the results:

It really looks better I real life, but I wanted to show it off.

The stencil was made from an a|s die and the spider stamp and sentiment stamp are from Country Bumpkin (as found at Peachy Keen Stamps). I tied my purse together with black ribbon ~ thought it looked Halloween-y!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. That's an awesome little treat purse! Love the little spiders :-)

    Great job using 3 TLC challenges!!!

  2. Holy HANNA April, you just blew my socks right off my feet...What a wonderful purse and just perfect. When you do a new technique you go full speed ahead...WOW, WOW, nailed this to perfection...Way to go!!!!!

  3. April, you are such an inspiration to me! You always come up with creative projects - and quickly, too! This is adorable!!!

    I'm so glad you're a Calendar Girl!

  4. WOW--to think this all came together in an afternoon! Love the design and what a great technique to use!

    Thanks for playing along with my challenge this month--I hope you enjoyed "thinking outside of the box!"

  5. Cutie von cute! I can actually say cute spiders!!! This is a great project that you executed well.

  6. What a great little purse, April. How fun that you not only whipped this up but the background paper, too. Some trick-or-treater is going to be feeling extra special to get this!

  7. Way to go! This is a fantastic creation. Love the lil spidey's hanging down.
