Sunday, September 29, 2013

Calendar Girls

We are at it again!!

Terry, our hostess, challenged us to create a birthday card with embossing on it and we had to use Sketch 450 over at SCS!

Here is my take - the candle has been heat embossed with glitter.....


  1. Lovely numbered d/p used here....
    I like the simplicity of this card and the absolute sweet image/sentiment combo....I sooo agree with that sentiment ;o)

  2. What a pretty card, April! Love that DP! It's such fun! And your use of the embossing feature on the candle was a great idea.

    You are such a creative Calendar Girl!

  3. Cute Card April--I too love the background paper you chose. It was a fun sketch that Terry gave us to use and you did a sweet card!

  4. You chose the perfect papers to highlight the sketch we used. I especially like the same paper, but different colors...looks great!

  5. I loved this sketch too when I saw. I had a go this week at my craft group but it ended up the other way around lol....not sure why....still looks ok tho.
    I love how you've embossed your candle and the colour combo is it!!!
    Hugs Wynn(pin)gal xx

  6. I LOVE it!! What a great card and great paper you used!!
