Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Calendar Girls!

Well, my theme for this month....since I am Miss May this year,....was to create a card depicting what you want to accomplish this year.
My goal....
To actually have some flowers grow. Yep, you are talking to someone who does NOT have a green thumb!

Make sure you stop by the rest of the Calendar Girls' blog.....the links are on my sidebar!
Thanks for stopping by!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. April, your card is GORGEOUS! I love the bold flowers and great layout!

    Oh, and good luck growing flowers for real! I'm sure you will do well!

    It was a fun theme for this month - thank you!

  2. I don't have a green thumb either! LOL!! But you really have a great thumb when it comes to your cards. Lovely!!!

  3. Love the card and loved the theme this month!

    I do not like to plant flowers...they are pretty, but I dislike the weed pulling and everything that goes with it. I guess you could say that I have no green thumb.

    Love the colors and the big flowers!! Great card!!!

  4. Love your card April. I agree flowers are wonderful and to have them growing in ones yard is the best...(I am like you though....)

  5. Fantastic card! Love the richness of the red :) I'm LOLing at the non -green thumb - present and accounted for! x0x0

  6. I am so with you on the green thumb thing! You would think that I would be better at it, since my mom is the flower guru!

    I really like the colors you used on this card. It turned out great. Thanks, for being the hostess for us.
