Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Special Duel

So, it is the 15th of the month and that can only mean one thing! It is time to duel it out.

Basically, we are "Lovin' on our Leftovers"! Yep, we are using our leftovers from past kits to make our Stunning September cards!  I will be honest and say that this is a very heartfelt sentiment and I mean every word of it!  I love this group of crafters and can't imagine the blog-osphere without them!  I kept the card simple and used two of my leftover papers and many of my leftover embellies!!  I love this card as much as I love the previous cards/kits!!

Make sure you check out the rest of the DUEL!
We all love luv!

Dazzlers          Divas

April (me)         Barb

Debbie              Carol

Jeanette             Jamie


Michelle               Judy

Paola                Kelly

Terry                    LJ

Darlene              Tami

Thanks for stopping by!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I love the way you cut out the sentiment! Very unique! The OCD in me would not allow me to do that but it looks great!!

    Great card and great layout April!

    This challenge was so much fun!!!

  2. Oh my goodness... I'm loving the way you laid out your card! That wonky sentiment arrangement is just too clever! I love that it's not all square with the world! Gonna have to think outside my box more and try to get more creative like you!!!

    Thank you for DAZZLE'ing me, April!

  3. Such a wonderful card. And we are so glad you are in our life!!!! I love how much of the leftovers you used. Wonderful creation!

  4. April---cute card and such a creative layout. Love the card and I am so happy you are a part of this wonderful group of ladies!

  5. Oh you are a smitten kitten! Well, I am too! You did a great job with the use of so much from your kits. All of the different coclors work well together. Great job!

  6. Lookie! Lookie! Lookie! April and I used the same pink flower on our DD cards this month! Woot! Woot! Great minds girl!!!! I love your card :)

  7. wow April...what an unique design!!
    totally love how wonderful all the accessories look together!
    I used exactly same paper background....except mine is on the pink flower sistah! *wink*

  8. Oh so sweet!!! I'm seeing a lot of the sunburst look and LOVE it! This is so feminine and soft - gorgeous work! x0x0

  9. Oh April....I love this card and the group as how you created with your leftovers...WEll DONE my sweet friend...I am so blessed to know you...

  10. Terrific card, April! Love the fresh way you put paper, sentiment and embellishments together. Love how the bright and beautiful colors of the embellishments just pop next to that graphic paper in neutral colors!! Thanks for the inspiration and your friendship!!

  11. April, you are so inventive!! Love the way you made a banner, in a unique shape for the sentiment! The flowers are so pretty and dramatically showcased with the dark DP! No wonder you love this card, it's great!
