Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy CG Day!

Time for another post highlighting the Calendar Girls (their blogs are on the left, check them out)!

Carol was our hostess this month, and she wanted to celebrate Christmas in July!!


Here is my card:

She asked us to use some glitter, and I must admit it didn't photograph well. The snowflakes have glitter and the red brad is glitter-icious too!
C/S from my stash
Card Base by a*muse
Stamps by Unity

Thanks for stopping by!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Oops, I was supposed to tell you a favorite memory of Christmas.... One year, we had a white Christmas. My father told us all to come to the front window (all being Mom, bro and me). Out he goes to our garage and comes back "paddling" my brothers new canoe down the slope of our front yard! A Christmas I will never forget!


  1. Ho, ho, ho!!! I can just picture your Dad paddling the canoe through the snow! What a fantastic memory he gave to all of you! I love your card, the DPs are great & that image is cute and fun! Love the big, glittery brad too!

  2. Oh April, what a great card and what a great memory...I had to giggle as I read fun and really a good memory...I love your card and your immie...way to go using the it all..♥

  3. fun dad!!loved reading about the canoe! TFS..
    sweet cute card to boot too!♥
    love the adorable snowman and all the d/p layering xox

  4. What a bright and cheerful card, perfect for Christmas. And the cute image goes perfect with your wonderful memory. What a wonderful memory, made me smile.

  5. This is a cute card--makes me smile! I love the story of your dad--I am sure that put a smile on your brother's face!

  6. Oh no! Was I supposed to use glitter?! I'm such a dork!

    I love the colors and use of multiple DP's on your card. Such a merry 'Lil Christmas!

  7. What a fun memory! Too bad you didn't get pictures - that would make the best scrapbook page. This card is wonderful and fun. I am feeling totally inspired by your stash shopping - I am going to do that more!!! Hugz!

  8. Happy Holidays!! :) I finally got my card up so I can stop by and peek! x0x0 This is a cutie! Love the paper! Your Christams memory is just as fun as can be!

  9. Hehehe.....I didn't use glitter either!

    Love the card April, very fun and very Christmas-y!!!

    Love the snowman and the snowflake!

  10. What a great memory!!LOVE IT! I also love the card too!

  11. Lovely Christmas card and what a wonderful memory!

  12. WOWzer! I love all the beautiful layers of paper! This Christmas card is fantastic!!!
