Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Tuesday Quickie!

Not much time, but I want, no NEED, to give a couple shout outs!!

First ~ Did y'all see the Saturday Spotlight at Can You Digi It? Twine was highlighted....it is from The Twinery and it is fab-u-lous! Doesn't ever unwind and comes in soooo many delectable colors! And, I used it on my card today!!

Second ~ Check out this new immie from over at By LORi Designs! I must say thank you so much...she had darling little girl Puddle Jumpers Friends, but as you know....I have a son.... So, she drew up some boy 'friends'!

Here it is...ENJOY

Thanks for stopping by!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. April!! This card is AWESOME!! I love it, all the bright colors, that fab plaid and perfect sentiment choice! Another fun PJ card!!

  2. Great card, April! I really like how you cut out the image. The boys are too cute, you are right! The DP matches perfectly.

  3. I just got my twine from C.Y.D.I. and I love it. Cute card April - fun way to use twine too.
