Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

It has been a couple of days, okay four, since I ave posted..... I would love to say it was a Andover, but alas NOT! I have been crafting (Kels, I have a big secret this time!), but just now finding tie to post!

This is for SOTC over at SCS. Our hostess this time around is Judy and she challenged us to make an inspirational card which included a picture of ourselves. YIKES!

I didn't use any DP, but did use my picture as my background paper, so to speak. I found the quote using Google and embellished based on it. The flowers stamps are from Friendship Blooms by SU!

What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Ohhh a secret! Fun, fun! I will have to ask a question or two about your ipad I see you post from -- Santa brought me one for Christmas, much to my shock! My laptop finally gave out and dh/kids gifted me with an ipad, the most un-techy person on the planet and I'm still figuring it out, lol!

    YOUR CARD! For reals? That's you in the background paper? I am not sure I read that right - how crafty, clever, fabby are you!! LOVE!!!!!!!! This is cute all over, and love the big flower on there - big hugs! Glad you are okay and taking some April time :)

    Muah! x0x0

  2. This is a cute card--I hope one finds it's way back in my return envie!

  3. Oh how creative!!! I'm going to STEAL your idea! I never thought of that kind of pose for the picture....... and truthfully, Judy's challenge has been freaking me out! THANK YOU for solving my dilemma.

    Now what's this about a BIG secret!!?!?! I can't wait to hear which DT you've been snagged for. ;)

  4. Clever idea to use a picture for DP. Love the sentiment, very poetic for an allergy sufferer.

  5. Oh, can't wait, tell me now, tell me now....:) What a fun card, love how you did the background and used the twine and flowers.

  6. "What do I think?" I think it's BRILLIANT! Using a picture of yourself for the background DP is so creative. Love the yellow for the quote really pops the whole card & the white twine behind it is cool. Stroke of genius on this card, April!!
