Thursday, July 14, 2011

Berry Special

Today's card features the freebie of the week from Delightful Inspiration.  I also used the Strawberry image for their designers' challenge of European Inspiration.

I have barely ever left the state of New York, so what do I know about Europe?? 
But, I thought long and hard about it and thought of French inspired wallpaper - you know, where a design is copied over and over again....  So, I printed the strawberry image in black on white numerous times to make a background of sorts.  I then enlarged the immie to color up (with my Bic's) and added a left over piece of lace (says French to me).

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sweet card April, love the cheery red and touch of pink.

  2. Phew! Finally! I've been trying to comment on your cards for a week now and silly blogger wouldn't let me!

    This is absolutely lovely, April! And I do think of the wall paper in Europe when I see you card!! Beautiful job...the strawbs look good enough to eat!

  3. You got it... .looks French to me!

  4. This is stunning, with the colored image against the black and white background and that gorgeous lace. What wonderful European inspiration -- definitely has a French feel to it! :-)
