Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We are Ready to Rumble...

In a friendly way of course!

It is time again for our duel....Michelle was the hostess with the mostess this month and we are going out into the Great Outdoors!

We were asked to tell a of my camp outs have been memorable, but one that sticks out is a few years back when one of the guys was introducing us to his girlfriend. I say the guys b/c my hubby has had the same set of friends since they were in four grade. And, when I married Mike I was told that I wasn't marrying just him, but all five of them.... But, back to the story at hand. Our friend brought the girl of his dreams camping with us, and all she did was expect him to wait in her hand and foot which didn't sit well with many....the final day we were camping, it started to drizzle....she expected our friend to take down the screen house as Mike was washing dishes...under it!! I have the pictures in my scrapbook....strange, but true!!

Here is what she sent....
Image - Whippersnapper Roasting Mellos Bear, all stamped in Momento Tuxedo Black on Neenah Solar Crest white cardstock.
DP - Both are from the Imaginisce Happy Camper line.
Ribbon - American Crafts
Brad - Eyelet outlet
Buttons - October Afternoon Campfire
I added a piece of green cardstock and madethe base from a piece of kraft cs.

And here is my creation!  The pattern for this stand up card was recently showcased on SCS....had to give it a try!

Thanks for stopping and make sure to see what everyone else has created too!!  Here are links to both the Dazzlers and the Divas.
Dazzlers          Divas
April (me)         Barb
Debbie              Carol
Jeanette             Jamie
Melina               Joan
Michelle                Judy
Paola                Kelly
Terry                    LJ
Darlene              Tami

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Okay, you should post a side view so I can see what a stand up card is, though I think I know the one! Great job on this one - very cute layout and fabulous coloring, girl! Like how you cute him out to stand out against the paper! cuteness!!

  2. Cute, cute, cute. Love the stand-up card. Now I am going to have to try it! So was the girl of his dreams...still the girl of his dreams after this trip? LOL!!!

  3. April, I love the layout of the card. It features the image so well! Cute, cute, and triple cute!

  4. Great stand up card and your choice of background paper is perfect!

  5. Really cute April. Love the image and the fun paper you used.

  6. Oh my goodness... I love your card, April! I have never made a stand up card, but now I want to. And I love how you cut out the campfire separate from the bear. Too clever!

    Giggling for sure about your story! hmmmmmm... is it safe to assume, the friend's GF is no longer around?


  7. Cute, cute card. I love this image and the colors of it and the paper are perfect! Love this style of card too--I will need to check it out!

  8. Fantastic card April! Love the story too. hee hee

    I saw this technique card but haven't gotten to try it yet. You did a great job!

  9. Love it April! It's too bad that dream girl was not the camping only takes one to ruin a good time...been there!!

    I have made this style card but didn't know what to call it (this was before it was spotlighted on SCS)....I love it ☺

  10. What an awesome card April...I love this fold and need to try one as well...great job and the coloring and use of your kit is outstanding...You inspire me....well done....great story...♥♥♥

  11. Hi April, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Your card is fabulous and goes right along with your story.

  12. love how you cut out the image and the little piece from the DP! very creative great job girl! :)

  13. What a fun card using that terrific fold technique, April, and what a fun story. Would love to see the pix that go with that story! LOL!!

  14. So cute!! Love the stand up card, great layout and the peiceing of the elements. Love love love it!!
