Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thanks, Cricket!

Y'all do not know how happy I am to be here!  Jamie even helped me find my mojo....well, it has been slowly coming back, but then.... my camera was dead.

Tonight, it all came together - mojo and the ability to

Drum roll, please....

This is for a color challenge over at SCS.  It was to use Baja Breeze, Soft Suede and Perfect Plum.  I hate to admit, but I don't have SU cardstocks....So, I improvised and used what I had - a brown, a blue of some sort and a plum that is reall too  I tried!  And I had a great time and love that Jamie got me off my butt to make a card!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Great card, and your ribbon treatment is very eye-catching.

  2. this is just gorgeous, love the colours and did you know I have that exact same ribbon????

  3. Hooray for Jamie and a working camera -- I've missed seeing your cards! You did a beautiful job with this challenge. Love seeing the flowers in multiple colors, and how the ribbon matches so well!
