Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's not a MYSTERY any longer....

I must confess, I swap with THE most awesome group of crafters!  Together we decided to 'mystery' swap.  One person would pick an image or embellie, or whatnot, send it to the group and everyone would make and send back four cards to the hostess.

This time around, I was the hostess.  What was I thinking?  Having a swap due during the holidays?? 

Needless to say, the swap is now due and I am about to swap them out (don't worry, it won't be til after Christmas, because I am cookie making and gift wrapping up until then).

So,'s my version of the Mystery Swap.  This is In the Spotlight Anya (she was the mystery image) and the mystery embelly was the flowered tape you see across the bottom of my card (this item could be used however the swapper wanted).

Thanks for stopping in during this busy time!


    {you asked for love...}
    Seriously, this is SO REFRESHING! Maybe it's cold and blustery, but this card makes me feel warm and sunny! Colors, layout, DP, everything is just great!!
    Mine pale in comparison.
    WTG on this swap.

  2. Awwww....she's cute April! Love the colors!!

  3. Oh April... your card is darling! I love the way you used the MURDEROUS tape. LOL! Seriously, your card is the bomb! I love the colors, the layout, the embellishments. It's awesome!

    Thank you for being such a fun hostess this round. I've enjoyed it tremendously! ♥♥♥

  4. April--very, very, very cute card! I love the layers and the embellishments are so cute!

  5. Very cute. Love the bright colors.

  6. What a sweet card!! I know your swappers have made some delightful cars with this fun image, April!!

  7. Fun card, great image for a swap.

  8. hello m'love - Well what can I say other than i LOVE your card and LOVE your coloring and LOVE your layout design! (sending you LOVE, can you tell?!) :) THank you for being one fabulous hostess this time around with this FAB-u-LOUS mystery image, loved it and everythign you sent! (both times, hee hee) You are truly a wonderful friend and I'm blessed to know you! Sending you great big holiday hugs and blessings to you this Christmas - Merry Christmas from our house to yours! x0x0

  9. What beautiful tape! No really, it looks MURDEROUS! That still just cracks me up!!!

    Your card turned out great. You have Anya colored up sweet.

    Thanks, for being our hostess!

  10. April,
    Darling card even with the holidays making everyone busy your card is adorable.
    stampin hugs,

  11. Cute, cute, cute card. I love how you colored up your Anya, great layout and color combo...Great choice for our mystery swap as well....

  12. Ooooh! Great color choices, April! Looks like everyone's had lots of fun with your swap! I'm really enjoying all the submissions!!
