Wednesday, December 15, 2010


An extra D this month - it is for
December Dueling Darling Dazzlers

Terry was our hostess this month - and I hate to admit this, but somewhere in the move I lost the deets on all the goodies she sent....Truthfully, I could ask, but I'd rather you checked out the other wonderful cards for this month from the Duelers.....
Here's a list, so you can check them out and leave them love!

   Dazzlers                    Divas
April (me)                   Barb
   Debbie                      Carol
 Jeanette                       Jamie
  Melina                         Joan
 Michelle                       Judy
    Paola                         Kelly
 Terry                           LJ

I adore this image (I do know that it is from Stampin Up) and she sent the most darling papers - of which I just used one.  The buttons and snowflakes are from her too....

I must admit, I have enough goodies left over to make at least another card and maybe even another project of some sort.... THANX TERRY


  1. awww...cute card April!
    I like how U placed the snowflakes at the edge of the card and that glittery pinky-mix at the snowmen's feet.(beads perhaps??)
    Clever way how U used embossed red button strip too!*tfs*

  2. Love the snowflakes and dp combined with your image, makes a perfect card.

  3. I love that image too...your card is tooo cute!

  4. Super duper cute -- great staging, too! At least you have the move to blame losing things on ...... I haven't moved and can't find a thing ever, lol! Blessings to you, my sweet friend x0x0

  5. Adorable image and adorable card.

  6. I love how you did the snowflakes the top! Great card April :)

  7. I love that SU image. A very sweet card!

  8. What a wonderful card April. I love your layout, the way you placed the snowflakes and buttons, the coloring...the yummy glitter...great job....have a Wonderful Holiday Season and enjoy each and every blessing....♥

  9. Look at that! How cute!!! I absolutely love how different everyones cards are!!

    Thank you for being part of my dueling family :-)

  10. Very, Very, VERY cute card April! Love the details that you put into it.

  11. Your card turned out great. I like how you took the snowflakes off the page. Cool beans!

  12. WOW! I love your card, April! It's outstanding! I love the way you used the snoflakes! Everything is perfect!

  13. Wonderful card April. I love what you did with the snowflakes. Way to think outside the box!!! The glitter is an awesome touch!!!

  14. Such an adorable card, April! Love all the little details in this -- the glittery snow, the background you made with the snowflakes, the sweet embossed strip across the middle -- love it! How wonderful to be part of such a talented team of swappers!
