Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bling It On!

You all know that I am the CAS Queen....


This week's challenge at Cowgirl Up is to do it up with BLING.

I am using an image from Delicious Doodles, our sponsor this week.

And, it was perfect timing ~ I have three birthdays coming up with a week or so of each other - and the all deserve a piece of cake!!

The card is in my simple style.  I actually used some fun red prisma sticker paper that has been hanging around with some textured white from Bazzill.  The bling is from Michael's - their brand that can be found in the dollar bin....Since I needed three sets, I didn't feel bad hunting for  The image was colored with my Bic's and the sentiment is SU! 

Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you all get to play along with the Posse on the Cowgirl's Sunday Stampen' Challenge.  The deets are HERE (along with what you can win if you are chosen).



  1. This is fabulous! I just love the balloons, such a fabulous and creative idea, (I must remember) :).

  2. Terrific card! Love the bling.

  3. How adorable! This is definitely blinged up!
    Happy Halloween!!

  4. Great Birthday Card April, I love all the bling balloons.

  5. Wow I have seen a lot of birthday cards tonight! Great card! I am posting a b-day card tomorrow! LOL

