Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wacky Wednesday!

For those of you who know me, I have been complaining about being stuffed up.  Well, DH ''made'' me take a decongestant it is wacky that I'd take something, it was wackier that I took two short naps this afternoon....

Thank goodness the turkey roasted itself!

While I snoozed away part of the afternoon, it was in the back of my mind that I needed to get a card done for the CHALLENGE over at Crafting With Deedee's Digis.  This Monday, the challenge is to use orange, yellow and green. 

I used the digi "Something to Crow About" on top of some scraps I had leftover from who knows what.  It is colored with my Bic Mark-Its and the fiber is from Close To My Heart.  The sentiment comes as part of the set!!

Thanks for stopping by...
I am off to blurf for a bit (since I napped, I don't feel too tired yet, lol).


  1. Love the crow in the corn field!! What a delightful card, April!!

  2. Turkey .... you are a early this year, eh? Hee hee!!! (Love ya!) Didn't you see my blog - skip it and go straight for the pie! :) :) This is darling, super cute to add the twine and rope look to your cutie card -- hope you feel better soon, my friend!

  3. What a sweet image! I love the way you have framed it.

  4. Bright and cheery card. Well done.

  5. lovely card, love how you used that ribbon to frame it.

  6. Very cute and the sentiment is perfect. Feel better soon.

  7. I'm amazed at you -- sick and sniffling, but still crafting and cooking -- what an inspiration you are! :-) Your card is super cute. I am so in love with fall, and so excited to see this fall beauty. Those fibers give it such a fun look, too. Thanks so much for joining our challenge, April! Hugs, Deedee

  8. Super Cute, love the crow in the corn field.

  9. OH! what a neat image. Too bad the crows around here are not so loveable!! haha
