Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Let's Get Ready To...Duel

Well, it is the 15th of the month and that can only mean one thing.
It's time for my DDD post....Yep, the Dueling Darlings are at it again! 
This month, the theme was "Cute and Fluffy".

Card Front

The inside; showing the gift card holder
The Darlings received a great kit from the wonderful Melina.
It included:
House Mouse image entitled "Make a Wish"'
Orange polka dot paper from SU
Multi-colored polka dot paper from DCWV
A chipboard cloud (unused)
Four half pearls from KaiserKraft
Blue ricrak ribblon from WM
I added a piece of white card stock for the card base and the sentiment, a piece of rust colored CS for the card, and a piece of blue CS for the gift card holder.
Thanks for checking out my craftiness today and please stop by the rest of the Dueling Darlings....I need to go see what the Divas had to work with, as well as, what the rest of the Dazzlers did with our kit.  Here are links so that you can easily spread the LOVE!
Dazzlers                                        Divas
April (me)                                     Barb
Debbie                                         Carol
Jeanette                                        Jamie
Melina                                           Joan
Michelle                                         Judy
Paola                                           Kelly
Terry                                              LJ


  1. This card is fabulous! Love the gift card holder inside!

  2. Girl! You are rockin' the card styles lately! This is one of my favorite folds (imaging making 6 of these for a swap, m'dear! LOL!) LOVE the bright fun colors, super whimsical and happy - doesn't get much cheerier than this! x0x0

  3. WOWW April!!
    this card is AMAZING!! luv the folddddddd and how it shocases all the d/p included.
    Wonerful way to use rick rack vertically with the added pizzazz of the pearls!
    *awesomely done g/friend!*

  4. Very cute--I REALLY like the layout. This image is so darn sweet--and I mean that in the best way!

  5. Such a cheerful card! Love that fold too. Awesome!

  6. I love the fold you used! Great layout girl! I'm so glad you liked the kit I sent :)

  7. OUTSTANDING! Love the folds. You did a great job with the kit. Marvelous dah-ling!

  8. Love the colors, it makes the whole card just pop! and the fold...oh my! Awesome card, April!

  9. Really cute card, April. Very creative!!!

  10. Wowzers April.....AWESOME the fold (would love to learn how to do it...)..what an amazing card. I love your the fold and holder...GREAT JOB!!!

  11. Very cute April! Love the'd you do it???

  12. Love this card fold! And your card is awesome with the too cute mouse!

  13. Wow! April, your card is fantastic! Love the fold and how you created the gift card holder. Great use of the card kit elements!! Love the rickrack strip with the pearls!!!

  14. Oh my goodness... April, this card is absolutely amazing! I love the fold and the special way it holds a gift within the card! Too cute! Your creativing is inspiring!!!
