Friday, September 3, 2010

Fabby Friday

Good Morning!
Quick post ~ before it gets too hot to use the laptop....
This is a card that I whipped up to celebrate the heat of paradise.  The sentiment and flowers were gifted to me after a recent swap, so thought I'd actually make something with them, rather than hoarding them.

I hope everyone has had a taste of their paradise!

While I have you captive, I'd also like to point out that you still have time to hop with us at Cowgirl Up!!  Lots of fun and chances to win!  We also have a Christmas Card drive kicking off on September 12, where all the cards sent will be going to our troops so that they may send cards home.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you over the weekend!!


  1. What an elegant and lovely card, my friend - I need another day in paradise, lol .... you're doing a marvelous job at CU! xoxo

  2. So fun and great, vibrant colours!

  3. What a bright bold and beautiful card.

  4. Great colors! The flower turned out beautifully.

  5. Great colors and pretty layered flower of this delightful card, April!

  6. Fabulous use of colour April. Who couldn't use a day in paradise.
