Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday?? Where has my week gone??

What a short week I am having.  I really can't believe it is already Thursday...  I am looking forward to school starting back up for my darling son.  Probably not as much as he is, but then again, he just loves school!!  I am more excited that next week I get to spend the day with MY BFF...we are going to the local amusement park on Monday....everyone pray for great weather for us!!  I don't even have EK, so I won't have to run after him all day! PHEW (I love the little guy, but it would be even more

My card today has nothing to do with my post.  LOL

This card is using just this week's free sentiment from Deedee's Digis.  I chose to do CAS for this one.  I used the first part of the verse on the card front and then "With deepest sympathy" on the inside.  The paper was from a stack I had purchased from Big Lots and the only embelly is a vintage button I picked up at an estate sale a few months back.

Thanks for looking and I hope you are having a great week!


  1. This is a lovely CAS card...perfect for the sentiment!

  2. OMGOsh, I absolutely LOVE the part about your bff and the park and then you saying it has nothing to do with your card, LMBO! That's SO me! LOL! Can you see us together - ... Um, what was my point again?" LOLOL!! You just make me smile all the time :)

    This is a beauty! So classic and elegant - lovely, lovely! Will keep my fingers crossed for good weather for ya!

  3. April, this is a beautiful CAS card! Love the colors... awesome paper! And the button.... perfect embellishment!

    Have fun at the amusement park with BFF on Monday!

  4. Lovely CAS card, love the embellishment.

  5. Great sentiment. Hey, your week met my week and they took off together!

  6. This is so lovely, April! That paper is such a wonderful backdrop for the sentiment. I'm praying for you to have perfect weather for your BFF day next week -- how very fun that you get to take some time to do that! Hugs, Deedee

  7. I love CAS Cards and your sympathy card is gorgeous. The rounded corners set it off.
