Monday, June 14, 2010

A Typical Monday?

My head was aching.

The kid almost missed the bus - we were gabbing and not paying any attention to the time....

The EK was late....that is the "Extra Kid", as in Eric, the one I watch while his mama and daddy work. 

The mama was in a tizzy, so I (of course) asked what was wrong....ends up she was stressing about having not made dessert for a co-worker's dinner.  Said co-worker is having a tough time because her son was in a major car accident and still is in the hospital.  My friend and the rest of her co-workers in this class decided to make dinner for their friend, but mama pulled a double yesterday and didn't get a chance to get dessert done.  I whipped up a batch of triple chocolate brownies and will take them up to the school in just a bit...

While they were baking, I decided that a card to go along with dinner would probably be appreciated too.  SO, I whipped one of those up too...

The image is from Designed2Delight and the sentiment is from Stampin' Up.  Ink by CTMH and paper was a giftie from my friend Sheena as a prize from one of her swaps.  The ribbon was from the Dollar Tree, the metal dot from Wal-Mart and of course, I colored with my Copics.

Sorry, no picture of the brownies....LOL

Thanks for looking, I'm sure prayers would be appreciated for this family....



  1. What an awesome person you are. Your kindness will be returned tenfold. Love the card.

  2. Lovely card! Now I have brownies on my mind!

  3. Mmmmm brownies! So sweet to put a card with them!

  4. Beautiful card, my friend! And I am sure the brownies (without a picture) were, too!

    What a nice thing you did for your friend. Hugs!!!

  5. So pretty! I love the colors you combined!

  6. Great card to go along with the brownies. What a nice and thoughtful friend you are.

  7. Great card and how great of a friend you are.

  8. What a lovely card, and the sentiment is perfect! I'm sure your friend is very grateful.

  9. Love these gorgeous colors! Such a pretty card!!

  10. Lovely card! It was so sweet of you to make the brownies and card for your firned's co-worker.

  11. This is lovely, wonderful colors.

  12. Pretty card! I like the bow and the shape of the sentiment.
