Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Terrible Tues-day

I do have two things to show you, but don't think they are truly terrible.  I was refering to the little boy I watch  - he isn't yet two, but is hitting his 'terrible twos' stride already!  Nothing like a needy little boy!

Yesterday was my husband's birthday.  We tried to celebrate with dinner out - BUT....the restaurant was closed - oops, I forgot it was Monday.... NO problema though, we are celebrating tonight!  He did get his card from me yesterday though ;-) and our son gave him a new pair of grill tongs...woot, woot!!  The stamp is from CTMH - can't tell you where the cute paper is from though. :-(

This other card is a real simple one for my secret pal from church who is turning 90.  While I wanted to use my favorite Bugaboo Stamp and Sentiment (what's one more friggen candle?)  I refrained and looked for a dignified vintage image.  This one came from Two for Tuesday.

I hope you can join me tomorrow for my Wednesday post....


  1. Your secret pal from church will love this card. You found just the right iimage and sentiment - pretty!

  2. Adorable cards! I bow to you, watching a two year old...LOL. They can be a bit challenging at times (especially when they're not your own!)
