Sunday, May 30, 2010

All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go

Penelope has no where to go this fine Sunday....  She actually reminds me of a picture I recently saw on Facebook....some friends were re-living prom season.

This is Day two of the Relay over at Sassy Studio Designs; and I hope you have been following, maybe even participating in their Anniversary Relay!

As many of you know, I am on a mission to use up every single scrap I can and this card is helping me with that!  The only thing that is a recent purchase is the lacy ribbon which I needed for a swap at SCS. 

While this isn't my normal type of card (girly) I love the challenge of creating something spectacular in a relatively short period of time in ways that I might not normally think of or do.  This fits that!

And, I have the perfect person to give this card too....she is only 7 years old and loooovvveeessss anything foo-foo and girly!!!

Thanks for stopping by on this holiday weekend.  Please take the time to say a special prayer for all troops past and present tomorrow~



  1. Great job April....way to go on using up more scraps....woohoo...

  2. Too cute, and I'm sure she will love it! Thanks for joining us in the relay!
