Friday, April 9, 2010


What a week!  I am so glad that it is over!  Let the weekend begin!

I did promise a post yesterday, but my DS needed the computerfor some homework....and of course, I didn't have a picture to go with a post, so it is a day late!

You don't mind, do you?

Here is my other recycled project for the Crafty Ho's Challenge.  This is for my DH's uncle.  He is an avid fisherman - actually catching fish instead of just telling 'fish stories'.

The water is recycled Easter grass; it is in a plastic container that held shortening.  The image is WeeHenry that I colored for a swap and "lost" when I cleaned up my area.  The tree is made from the stub on my DS's pencil which no longer has an eraser and various scraps of paper, cut into circles.  I had originally intended for the tree to be something else (was actually supposed to look like something all together different).

I should have some computer time this weekend - hope to see you then!

The directions for making the topiary tree can be found here.  It was actually easy once I got started, despite how difficult I thought it might be....


  1. Oh my goodness! April this is so so cute! Perfect! And what fun recycled items - Easter grass and a stub of a pencil. So fun!

    Thanks for participating in the Crafty Ho's challenge again! We appreciate you!

  2. WOW. . .WOW. . .WOW!!! How did you create that flower, puffy thing-y?!?!? However you did it, I'm glad that you shared it with The Crafty Hos for this week's recycle challenge! :D

  3. wow that is exciting thanks for Joining us April!
